Friday, January 23, 2009

"Mac is Back!"

In today's edition of The Washington Post, there is an article about Arizona Senator John McCain returning to his old maverick ways. Wow, what a relief. I really worried about this man, even though I didn't vote for him. One of many reasons why I didn't vote for him was because I wasn't seeing the "poo-poo" disturber that he was portrayed as being. I ought to know about "poo-poo" disturbers, my father was one. A big one - all the way from New England.

You see, these maverick types don't back down from anything. Throughout the campaign, I saw Senator McCain being pushed and pulled in every direction except the right direction. I wondered, what is wrong with this man? Is he too old to get fired up about anything anymore? Is he listening to all the wrong people? When I read articles about Senator McCain's past, I still had trouble putting it together with the man on the campaign trail. I would like to think that my dad, who has been dead for over 20 years, might have liked the younger John McCain. Then again, both men were so bull-headed in their youth that they may have disliked each other intensely. We will never know.

I'm pleased to see that Senator McCain appears to be getting back to his old self. Hopefully, others in the Republican party will follow his example and work for the good of the country. We the people have spoken and we need strong leaders who are fighting for us. Welcome back, Senator McCain! We missed you terribly.

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