Monday, March 27, 2017

Joseph Stiglitz and the Future of Our Country

Earlier this month, I stumbled across a book in the library, "The Price of Inequality - How Today's Divided Society Endangers our Future" by Joseph E. Stiglitz. His book addresses the political and economic inequalities that are present in our society. A fascinating and eye-opening book, to say the least and highly recommended.

Mr. Stiglitz writes on a much higher level than most of us are accustomed to reading. Think Wall Street Journal level of reading. This only makes sense when you realize that he is a Nobel prize winning economist and former chief economist of the World Bank. I found that I had to read his book in short spurts and sometimes reread certain paragraphs to better understand what he was saying. Not that I'm a moron, but because economics and government policy have never been a strong suit for me. However, I was surprised that Mr. Stiglitz pointed out the very things that I have experienced and witnessed myself. I was relieved to find that I'm not crazy nor a whiny crybaby. The bulk of his book carefully points out how our democracy has gradually become a country for the 1 percent and not for all the rest.

Here's the scary part - the book was published in 2012. He accurately predicted the 2016 election. I have only gotten about halfway through the book, but I had to put it down. Twice today, I broke down and cried. The hopelessness and despair just took over and my husband insisted that I stop reading.

Skipping the rest, I went to the last chapter where Mr. Stiglitz offers a path to hope. Much of these ideas are being bandied about in Congress as we speak, but with a predominately Republican Congress and a wealthy Republican President, there isn't much hope of change.

Last week we witnessed the failure to vote on a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. While I was among the many who praised this failure, I am fearful of what will come next. Our Republican leaders have shown their hand. They do not care about the 99 percent. They only care about themselves and their wealthy friends. Any policy they dream up will not help our country in the least. As American citizens, it is incumbent upon us to rally, just as we did these last few weeks, and remind these "leaders" of who they truly work for.

Public policy, governance, and economics can be about as exciting as watching grass grow. However, we have all grown lazy and have handed over our voices to the few who aren't the least bit interested in what's good for everyone else.

Many have started a "resistance" and the numbers are growing. A few news reports have come out stating how some Trump supporters are now being hurt by the policies they voted for. "Told ya, moron," doesn't invite open discussion of ideas. Finding common ground now is more difficult than ever.

We must reach out to one another. We must find that common ground and talk as civilized adults. We must listen to each other and come up with ideas that may bring about the change we need to save our country. We are on the precipice and our future is in peril.

I am imploring you, my readers, and your friends, to please contact your government leaders - local and national - regarding any concerns you have. You don't like the proposed tax reform? Speak up! You don't like the municipal codes regarding doggie do-do? Speak up! Please, please, please don't sit back and do nothing. It's hard work getting involved in your community, state, or federal government, but we must take action. Wall Street walked off with my $20,000 401K retirement fund and I'll never see that again. I know for certain that I'm not alone and neither are you.