Sunday, April 15, 2007

Imus' Remarks are Reprehensible

Recently, Time Magazine had an article about freedom of speech and the debate of why its acceptable to use racial slurs in music but not in public forum such as a radio show. To this and the nationwide debate, I would like to add my thoughts.

Racial slurs are unacceptable. Period. Derogatory remarks about a person's nationality, gender, or any other difference are just plain mean and cruel. We are ALL God's children and He made us different yet in His own image so that we can love one another as He loves us. I can't explain why this is so, but it just is and I'm accepting it on FAITH.

Remarks against Jews by so-called Christians never fails to slay me. HELLO! Do I need to remind you that the Man who died on the cross for YOUR SINS was a Jewish man raised by Jewish parents in a Jewish society that was being maligned by the Romans?

Remarks against African Americans are equally ridiculous. How many of our white and black ancestors died so that today's African Americans can have the same freedoms that everyone else has? Those girls on the Rutgers basketball team would not be there if it weren't for a lot of very brave black and white people standing up for something that is right. By the way, my congratulations to the girls on that basketball team - you all showed a lot of class and we should all be very proud of you.

The misguided adults that make these terrible remarks and their employers who allow such behavior to continue or encourage such behavior have forgotten the basic rules of sandbox etiquette - no name calling and no throwing sand. If a 5-year-old can get it, why can't you?

As for the musicians who seem to get away with racial slurs in their songs, I don't understand this one. But I think they would understand it in their wallets if people would just refuse to buy or listen to their music. Historically, music has always been on the edge of social change and maybe that is what is happening here. Looks to me like we are going backwards, folks.

Name calling for any reason is wrong. Shock value is fun - I've pulled it a few times, but never at the expense of something that another person cannot change. This debate is more than freedom of speech, it should be about common sense. Imus should be removed from the airwaves simply because he doesn't seem to exercise common sense.

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