Life around here kept me too busy to really keep up with the series until last night. Then, I remembered that it was the last game. We turned on the game long about the end of the 6th inning. Cubs leading 6 to 3. You're kidding me! We were glued to the TV at this point. Big Jack was rooting for the Indians while my son and I were rooting for the Cubs. A divided house, but that's nothing new.

As I watched, it looked like the Cubs were starting to falter a bit. Of course, they were a case of nerves. Haven't been this far in over 100 years. Can they do it? Eighth inning - Indians batted home three runs and tied the game. Can you say apoplexy? Ninth inning - game still tied and then a rain delay. It felt as if God was torturing all of us. Tenth inning and Cubs score a run. Oh. My. Word. If they can just hold off the Indians. Three outs later and the Cubs are, we can say it now, World Series Champions.
A streak of lightning flashed outside my window right as the third out happened.
Jack flew out of his chair, I started screaming, and Big Jack pulled his Mizzou ball cap over his head and pretended to weep.
What a game.
Let's see just how different the world is from the last Cubs championship. We had just begun the 20th Century. The automobile, bicycles, electricity, indoor plumbing, and telephones were new and gaining popularity. Women would finally get to vote; civil rights would begin the process of leveling the social field for all, Two world wars and The Great Depression weren't even a thought. Vaccines would come to save millions of lives. Radio and television would become the new medium of communication and entertainment.
In the last 108 years, man has walked on the moon, explored deep space, and discovered things that were only thought about in science fiction stories. We have computers in our offices, homes, and even in our watches and cell phones. We voted in our first black President, and next week will determine if we have our first woman President.
My dear Cubbies, you have earned this championship and deserve all the glow that goes with it. The Cleveland Indians put up a good fight, but it just wasn't their time. That's okay. There's always next year.
Congratulations to all of you. Enjoy the cheers from Cardinals fans, because next spring, we'll deny all of it.
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