Somewhere Over The Rainbow . . .
The economic news here at home is still grim and the future isn't very rosy just yet. The results of the new economic stimulus package that the president is supposed to sign on Tuesday won't be felt for quite some time. Globally, things are as bad or worse. The New York Times has an article about the impact of worldwide job losses. The picture is pretty bad, folks.
However, I mentioned in one of my previous postings, that I felt we should all take a step back and try our hands at a small cottage business. Innovation is what grew many nations, so let's try this thing again. Already, it looks like India may be on to something.
Whether we like it or not, we are a global society. So, isolationism isn't really the answer, however appealing it may seem. But we need to step back, quiet the hysteria, and think our way through this economic crisis. God led us to it, He will get us through it. We just have to be quiet and listen.
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