Saturday, February 07, 2009

If You Hacked A Digital Road Sign, What Would You Say?

Last week, the local news stations reported that a digital road sign along Highway 255 in Illinois had been hacked and displayed the message: Road Closed Due to Zombies. This morning, another road sign in Texas was hacked and the message was: "OMG The British R Coming."

I'm sure a lot of drivers found these signs to be pretty funny. I sure did. Unfortunately, the state transportation departments were not as amused. This is understandable. These road signs are set up for driver safety, not entertainment. However, ladies and gentlemen of the 50 state transportation departments, please take a laxative and enjoy the humor. So far, these hacked messages have not caused any accidents, spewed profanity, or done anything other than cause drivers to chuckle. Of course, we want the drivers to pay attention to the roads. But how is this any different when the sign reads as it should? For instance, how is "Road Closed. Use alt route" any less dangerous than "Zombies ahead?" The driver still has to take his/her concentration off the road to read the sign. We all know zombies don't exist outside the movie theaters.

Now, if I were sneaky enough to hack a road sign computer, what would I say on it? The possibilities are almost limitless. The sign really is your only restriction. Here are a few ideas:

Please Hang Up Cell Phone
I Saw That
Its Only Fun if Cops Don't Catch You
Caution - Girl Scout Cookie Booth Ahead
Dr. Pepper Says Drink Pepsi

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