Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Letter to My Husband's Mother

Dear Irene:

Today you passed this world to a better place. Your months of suffering are over. You have the peace you so desired your whole life. Your family weeps your passing, but we know you are in God's hands now.

Ten years and ten days after Jim's passing, we face yet another empty place at the dining room table. Some of my fondest memories are the amazing meals you would put together. For years I begged you for your chili recipe. I remember the puzzled look on your face, as if I was asking how to boil water. When I finally found a recipe I was willing to swear was your recipe, you gave me a sly smile and told me, "I don't put ketchup in my chili."

Your deep love for your family was evident in everything you did. Preparing great meals was just part of the job. You sewed, quilted, cleaned, read bedtime stories, and refereed fights. You chauffeured, mopped runny noses, met with teachers, and greeted new boyfriends and girlfriends. You oversaw the care of your own mother-in-law and worked hard to ensure her last years were comfortable. You even fished a snake out of Jack's sleeping bag when he returned from a Boy Scout camping trip.

Thank you for giving me your son. In doing so, we gave you two grandchildren to add to your growing family. We love you and will miss you terribly. Sleep well, dear lady.

Much love,

your daughter-in-law

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