My political leanings are thinly veiled, if at all. For the record, I'm just a nudge left of center. I'm willing to coexist with people whose ideals are different than mine, as long as they will coexist with me. I believe we should have universal health care for all. I believe not just in free education for all, but free quality education. I believe abortions will decrease if birth control is made readily available. I believe climate change is real and I believe the wealthy should pay a higher proportion of taxes.
I'm fed up with corporate and special interest ownership of our government. I'm tired of the one set of rules for me and another for everyone else. I lose patience with people who shout conspiracy theory on everything remotely close to our government. Flat Earthers need to open a book (assuming any know how to read). I'm just sick of stupid.
Doesn't it frighten you when the President of the United States suggests that the presidency should be a lifetime term?
Doesn't it bother you when that same man suggests that protests should be illegal? By the way, review the US Constitution on that idea. Go ahead. I'll wait.
The dangerous trajectory of our country can be stopped. We can turn things around and make our country a better and stronger union.
Get out and VOTE. However, go to the polls educated on the candidates and the issues. Don't vote for someone because he's good looking. Honestly, I think that's part of how former Missouri governor, Eric Greitens got into office.
While this is easy for me to say as I am parked in my recliner, if you can get involved in your community, do so. Get to know your neighbors, get in front of your local leaders and speak up on issues that matter to you. Volunteer at a shelter or a food pantry. Host a clothing drive, open a little library in a neighborhood park, read to children in a daycare.
If volunteering your time isn't an option, then start a business. Follow what interests you. Open a barber shop or start a community newspaper. Look around your community and see what's missing and fill that gap.
I want to see our country turn away from the brink of disaster. Extremism either left or right isn't good for anyone. We have the capability of fixing this. Let's get busy and be truly Americans.
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