Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas 2018

Merry Christmas and Blessings for the coming New Year!

Last night I left at the end of my shift at Macy's absolutely euphoric. I got through another Christmas shopping season - one that I went into deeply depressed and burned out. I had greeted the first few weeks crying almost every day. I snapped and snarled at my co-workers. My husband was on the verge of taking me to the hospital. That's how bad it was. But, last night. Christmas Eve. It was done. I sang "White Christmas" at the top of my lungs as I left the building. (Keep in mind, I can't carry a tune in a bucket.) My manager and our store vice president joined me in song. I couldn't tell you if they sang on key - I was busy drowning them out. I probably caused some ears to bleed. I probably cracked some glass somewhere. But I didn't care. Eight Christmases at Macy's. I made it.

During the holiday shopping season, my hours usually increase quite a bit. I sometimes end up working 7 to 9 days straight with no break. This year was dramatically different. We went into the season severely short-staffed and the 90 or so seasonals we hired quit as fast as they came through the door. The tiny handful that stayed really weren't enough to provide coverage for everyone else. We had 15 call-offs on one day alone. That was felt painfully by the staff as well as customers.

This year the scheduling gods reached out to all employees earlier than usual (September) to ask that we clear our calendars. This meant full time employees had to give up their assigned one day off a week. Many of us were furious. My manager assured me that I would still have two days off a week, but not the day I had always planned. Once the holiday schedules rolled out, I thought there must have been a mistake. I had every Saturday in December off. Plus two Sundays. How did I get that?! Not complaining - I thought this was great! Now I can actually enjoy the holidays and do holiday stuff with the rest of the world on the weekend. Like normal people. I contacted my manager to make sure this wasn't some joke. She told me she had no control over the schedules, but if I would be willing to pick up shifts on some of those Saturdays, she would appreciate it. I joked with her that I was her favorite. I gleefully enjoyed having Saturdays off, but my hours didn't increase exponentially like the past.

Well, I toured a historic house in Florissant that was decked out for the holidays. My husband and I went to St. Charles to watch the Christmas parade on Main Street. We made time to put some pine boughs on my father-in-law's grave. And another Saturday found me sleeping all day in the recliner.

Customers were about the same, though. Cranky, crabby and demanding. One customer, after buying only two items, demanded 10 boxes. I politely explained our store policy of only one box per item purchased. He got mad. "Ah come on, lady! I got all these presents to wrap." Yeah, dude, you and everybody else. I gave him a total of seven boxes, but I know he went to other registers and made the same demands. Another customer came up to me and asked about plus sized women's underwear. I asked what size she wore. He said, "I don't know. Her butt is this big" and spread out his hands to just past his hips. Why me? Then, we have the customers who seem to think they are in a bar and toss their credit cards at me while ordering their purchase. So tempted to ask if they want a beer chaser.

We hosted the family Christmas dinner this year. Since there's only five of us, this was no big deal. However, this year, we pulled out most of the stops on decorations. This was the most decorating we have done in over five years. I cooked for three days. The boys and I cleaned the house. I even folded napkins to look like Christmas trees. The menu was larger than we have had in a few years. Turkey, corn bread, green beans, sweet potato casserole, twice baked potato casserole, cranberry jello salad, broccoli grape salad, and banana cream pie for dessert.

Tonight I'm reflecting on all that is around me. I think my relatives who have passed away would have been proud of me. I hope my kids are proud of me. I believe this Christmas was extraordinary.

Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Rape of Our Democratic Republic

During the Senate hearings of sexual assault allegations against then Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, a political cartoon was published that has seared it's way into my mind. The cartoon shows Lady Justice being pinned down by a pair of male arms with the Republican Party elephant image as cuff links. Bruce MacKinnon is the artist behind this drawing which appeared in The Chronicle Herald, a Canadian based newspaper.

Image result for lady justice political cartoon


My political leanings are thinly veiled, if at all. For the record, I'm just a nudge left of center. I'm willing to coexist with people whose ideals are different than mine, as long as they will coexist with me. I believe we should have universal health care for all. I believe not just in free education for all, but free quality education. I believe abortions will decrease if birth control is made readily available. I believe climate change is real and I believe the wealthy should pay a higher proportion of taxes.

I'm fed up with corporate and special interest ownership of our government. I'm tired of the one set of rules for me and another for everyone else. I lose patience with people who shout conspiracy theory on everything remotely close to our government. Flat Earthers need to open a book (assuming any know how to read). I'm just sick of stupid.

Doesn't it frighten you when the President of the United States suggests that the presidency should be a lifetime term?

Doesn't it bother you when that same man suggests that protests should be illegal? By the way, review the US Constitution on that idea. Go ahead. I'll wait.

The dangerous trajectory of our country can be stopped. We can turn things around and make our country a better and stronger union.

Get out and VOTE. However, go to the polls educated on the candidates and the issues. Don't vote for someone because he's good looking. Honestly, I think that's part of how former Missouri governor, Eric Greitens got into office.

While this is easy for me to say as I am parked in my recliner, if you can get involved in your community, do so. Get to know your neighbors, get in front of your local leaders and speak up on issues that matter to you. Volunteer at a shelter or a food pantry. Host a clothing drive, open a little library in a neighborhood park, read to children in a daycare.

If volunteering your time isn't an option, then start a business. Follow what interests you. Open a barber shop or start a community newspaper. Look around your community and see what's missing and fill that gap.

I want to see our country turn away from the brink of disaster. Extremism either left or right isn't good for anyone. We have the capability of fixing this. Let's get busy and be truly Americans.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Encouragement and Inspiration

Sometimes life surprises me. Sometimes I surprise myself. Let me explain.

Last week, a discussion on a local Facebook page, Rock Road Reporter, centered on the proposed licensing of a liquor store at a busy intersection at the edge of town. The abandoned shop had once been a machine shop and local residents were upset about the idea of another liquor store in town. The sentiment is understandable and one that I share. Overland doesn't need another liquor store. I posted my opinion about creating small businesses in the area and encouraged everyone to think creatively. The response was more whining and complaining. I felt my comments were being ignored.

The next day and about a dozen more posts complaining about a liquor store, I posted again - this time listing out small business ideas that may be suitable for that store location. Now, I got responses. Finally, instead of crying in the beer, people are talking about what businesses they want to see in Overland. I felt a sense of victory. Some posters came up with some pretty good ideas. Discussion became a bit more positive. Another poster, however, pointed out that if the liquor store owner has all the legal paperwork, ducks in a row, etc, there really isn't anything anyone can do about it. If you want the business to go away, just don't shop there. This poster has a valid point.

I hope, though, that I sparked a positive discussion in my community about bringing back Overland and North County. I truly believe that we all have the ability to make the area thrive once again. It just takes creative thinking and discussion.

Now, the other surprise came in the form of a wonderful meet-up with a former boss from a previous employer. She was so encouraging and gave me a lot of great ideas for growing my writing, and living a healthier life. I was so surprised with the content of the conversation, that I forgot to ask how I could help her grow her business. It was a lovely morning and a great conversation.

Thus inspired, I will march forward as a writer.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Glorious Beautiful Nature

The sunsets here in Missouri have been spectacular in recent weeks. I've been whipping out my camera when I can and trying to capture the awesome beauty above my head. Of course, scientists will tell you that these jaw dropping displays are the result of particles in the air from the erupting volcanoes in Hawaii. To watch the news reports on the mesmerizing footage of flowing lava and the gradual swallowing up of property and reshaping the island is nothing short of shocking. One is left speechless while witnessing the awesome power of Nature.

While I am able to capture our sunsets, our sunrises are another matter. They can't wait until I wake up. This morning turned out to be an exception.

Here's a bit of back story:

My senior cat, Rocky, has decided that one of my two pillows that I sleep on belongs to him. He will climb up on the bed and swat at my head to get me to move off his pillow. I finally gave up and placed the pillow in question on the foot of the bed, and snatched another pillow from my husband's side. Rocky now won't sleep ON the pillow, he sleeps beside it. This morning, our younger cat, Miss Rosie, decided that maybe Rocky was on to something pretty cool and pulled the same trick on me with the pillow I'm currently sleeping on. She's never been terribly interested in my pillows, so this is kind of a surprise. She didn't swat at my head. She just sat on my head. At 5:30. In. The. Morning. I propped myself up and looked from one cat to another. Really, you two?

Through the blinds, I noticed the morning light looked pink, so I threw on some jeans, grabbed my camera and dashed outside to capture the remnants of a lovely sunrise.

This morning's sunrise

Last night's sunset
Despite the turmoil in the world, beautiful displays such as these are a reminder that God is still watching over us. Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Big Ambitions Bite

I haven't been able to keep up with the news lately. My work hours at Macy's have been comparable to holiday hours and when I get home, I'm too tired to notice much. That said, I don't know how I missed Missouri Governor Eric Greiten's resignation this week. HOLY COW!!! Pretty much a happy day - I've been wanting that boy to go down. Never liked him. His campaign ads were just too disturbing and his arrogance made my blood boil.

Political power is a scary thing and our Constitution is supposed to safeguard all Americans from those who would abuse their power. However, we are living in a frightening time in our country. We Missourians have witnessed the downfall of a man with political ambitions that crossed a lot of ethical lines. We have a President and a GOP controlled Congress who are more interested in getting richer than running our country. Ethics and morals are trivial things to these people.

It's a tragedy when the rich and powerful don't even bother to hide their greed.

Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are angels. Both parties are corrupt. We as a people need to be more aware of who our political candidates are. Local elections can be boring stuff, but this is where we need to start. If the local mayor is held to a higher standard, then that will carry over to higher offices. Including the Presidency. Complacency got us to where we are. We need to stop being lazy about our elections and exercise our Constitutionally guaranteed rights to vote.

Now, more than ever, we need to address what is wrong and make it right again. We need to get big money out of our government. We need term limits on Congress. We need to get out and vote.