Note to Parents: You are appreciated
My 12-year-old daughter talked me into taking her blackberry picking at Eckert's Orchards in Belleville, about 40 or so miles from where we live. Now, I have never eaten blackberries nor have I ever picked them. I have heard stories about the thorny bushes and the purple stains. Sounds painful and somewhat fun. Keeping the thorny bushes in mind, I warned my daughter we should wear jeans in spite of the 90-degree heat. Thusly we moved forward into the blackberry world.
Our friends at Eckert's must have had us in mind because the bushes were not thorny at all, but most of the ripe berries were rather picked over. The unripened berries were plentiful and I began to wonder if we should have waited another week.
We had a great time finding berries in obscure spots and watching the little ones wearing the fruits of their labors was amusing. One little boy complained that the red blackberries were sour. His mom just looked at him with the expression of (I told you not to eat them).
On the way home, my daughter talked about some of her school friends and how some of them only take vacations to places like Disney World or the Bahamas or outstate to visit relatives. According to her, these kids don't know how to live. Picking berries or apples or pumpkins is the life, she says. Home-made fun is the best. Wow! I guess I'm doing something right after all. Now, I need help with eight pounds of blackberries.
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