Friday, July 20, 2018

Glorious Beautiful Nature

The sunsets here in Missouri have been spectacular in recent weeks. I've been whipping out my camera when I can and trying to capture the awesome beauty above my head. Of course, scientists will tell you that these jaw dropping displays are the result of particles in the air from the erupting volcanoes in Hawaii. To watch the news reports on the mesmerizing footage of flowing lava and the gradual swallowing up of property and reshaping the island is nothing short of shocking. One is left speechless while witnessing the awesome power of Nature.

While I am able to capture our sunsets, our sunrises are another matter. They can't wait until I wake up. This morning turned out to be an exception.

Here's a bit of back story:

My senior cat, Rocky, has decided that one of my two pillows that I sleep on belongs to him. He will climb up on the bed and swat at my head to get me to move off his pillow. I finally gave up and placed the pillow in question on the foot of the bed, and snatched another pillow from my husband's side. Rocky now won't sleep ON the pillow, he sleeps beside it. This morning, our younger cat, Miss Rosie, decided that maybe Rocky was on to something pretty cool and pulled the same trick on me with the pillow I'm currently sleeping on. She's never been terribly interested in my pillows, so this is kind of a surprise. She didn't swat at my head. She just sat on my head. At 5:30. In. The. Morning. I propped myself up and looked from one cat to another. Really, you two?

Through the blinds, I noticed the morning light looked pink, so I threw on some jeans, grabbed my camera and dashed outside to capture the remnants of a lovely sunrise.

This morning's sunrise

Last night's sunset
Despite the turmoil in the world, beautiful displays such as these are a reminder that God is still watching over us. Have a great day!