I think I've been quiet long enough now. I needed some time to absorb recent events and sort out the range of emotions that came with those events. So, here goes . . .
Orlando Night Club Massacre
This despicable, heinous act from a lone shooter is beyond words or comprehension. How many more mass shootings do we have to have before someone says enough is enough? How many innocent people need to die because someone legally obtained a military grade weapon and chose to use them for target practice? What is wrong with our world?
Second Amendment Rights
Please don't hand me that worn out argument that the government is taking away your guns. No private citizen needs a military grade weapon of any sort. Period. Deer hunters use rifles or cross bows. Pistols can be used for self-defense.
Let me explain my position on this issue. While I find guns frightening, I know people who own them and those individuals are trust-worthy, law-abiding, responsible gun owners. I have no problem with that. I own a block of kitchen knives and I'm a trust-worthy, law-abiding, responsible knife owner. Possession of these items doesn't automatically make me, or my gun-owning neighbors, a killer.
Some people claim that owning an assault rifle will protect them from attack. From whom? If our country is invaded, our military is trained to handle it and they have far more fire power than you ever thought about. I also like to think that our military has a better grasp on who the enemy is than you do. Are you worried about hordes of zombies? Um, hate to tell you, but I really don't believe in zombies. They are fun for Halloween stories and that's about all. So, what is the purpose of owning something that can kill large groups of people in a matter of seconds?
The man who murdered those innocent people had become radicalized through ISIL and apparently acted on his own. These homegrown terrorists are frightening, no doubt. Let me ask this question - what is the difference between radicalization and extremism? It seems to me that both pretty much walk hand in hand or are at least close siblings.
Merriam-Webster defines radicalization as:
To cause (someone or something) to become more radical especially in politics
Extremism is defined as:
Belief in and support for ideas that are very far from what most people consider correct or reasonable
So, here we are. We face an enemy who kills those who don't believe as he does. We have opponents to gun control who feel they must have military grade weapons to fight off bad guys who don't believe the way we do. Hmmm.
The harsh reality for me is this - a terrorist is more likely to strike where he can get the most kills quickly and easily. Your lone military grade weapon won't mean squat against those odds. In fact, you may end up adding to the kills trying to get the bad guy. Do you really want to face that kind of responsibility?
Historic Filibuster
Recently, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat, held a 14 hour and 50 minute filibuster which ended when GOP leaders finally agreed to allow a vote on two gun control measures. This young senator used one of the many heart-wrenching stories from the Sandy Hook massacre. I'm relieved that there seems to be some recognition of necessary action. However, I'm still disturbed that the GOP would prefer to be friends with the NRA, a powerful lobbying interest, than save the lives of hundreds of innocent American lives. I'm still in shock that nothing happened after Sandy Hook. Nothing happened after any of the other mass shootings. I don't understand this at all.
Call to Action
The senseless slaughter needs to stop. Schools, colleges, places of worship, entertainment venues, places of employ should all be safe havens from violence. Please contact your senators and members of Congress and beg them to vote on keeping military grade weapons off our streets.