I may have mentioned in previous posts that we adopted a stray kitten almost a year ago. I remember when we "found" her (I think she found us) because it was two weeks after my mother passed away. We like to think that Mom is watching over us in the form of this stray kitten.
In the year that she has been part of our family, she has been a constant source of entertainment. Most mornings, we wake up to finding a sock or two on the floor that wasn't there the night before. I've caught Rosie sneaking away with socks from the dirty laundry and bringing them upstairs, properly deposited on the kitchen floor or dining room floor. She announces her gifts with a plaintiff cry. These gifts only happen at night when everyone is asleep. If I get the laundry caught up, she gets creative in her gift-giving. Dirty underwear, towels, slippers, gardening gloves and a winter scarf will make an appearance. We don't get mad at her. When picking one's battles, I'll accept dirty underwear over a dead mouse. You don't have to ask me twice.
Last night, I took down Rosie's collection of socks (12 this time) with the plan of working on the laundry in the morning. This morning. the same 12 socks reappeared in the dining room. Oh Rosie. My 19-year-old daughter told me she had a dream that Rosie brought up all the dirty laundry and was sitting on top of the pile looking so proud of herself. I think she may be plotting to do this very thing.
This isn't the only thing Miss Rosie does. Mealtime can be challenging because Miss Rosie thinks that people food is for her too. Our other cat, Rocky, is never interested in table food (lucky for us). Last night's dinner consisted of pork chops, mashed potatoes and carrots. Well, Rosie perched herself on my son's lap and tried to sniff his plate. He would gently push her head aside, letting her know that she couldn't have any. Once he began to cut his pork chop, she slipped her head underneath his arm and actually tried to get to the pork chop. One smart kitty. Or one determined kitty. You pick.
Little Miss Rosie, if you are my mom in spirit, could you please remember your table manners? Or at least put away the clean socks? We just love you to pieces.