Saturday, August 21, 2010

Crab Grass

No one can look at my front yard and exclaim, "Oh my, I saw that yard in Better Homes and Gardens!" In fact, I'm pretty sure that if I even suggested my yard be featured in any magazine, it might be Better Weeds and Dumpsites. I never claimed to be a gardener, even when I actually try. I really admire those dedicated gardeners who cultivate an oasis around their homes. Gardening is truly a talent.

Today I was weeding my weed garden which had successfully choked out any sign of floral life that Jack and I placed in it this past spring. The crab grass has literally taken over my pink iris to the point you can't even find the iris leaves. When I pull on a vine of this nasty stuff, it keeps going for about one or two feet before it finally breaks. It has so entwined itself with my moss rose plants, that I can't pull out the crab grass without taking the moss rose with it.

Crab grass, known in botany circles as digitaria, is actually found in most areas of the world. I don't think it's growing in the Arctic Circle, though. I really do believe that crab grass is more than just a weed. It's the curse of the Devil. Call me crazy, but who else could come up with something that is almost impossible to kill, keeps growing no matter what the weather (drought kills everything else but this stuff), and seems to have no pests to feed on it? I've pulled out enough of this stuff to wrap around the world twice!

Sometimes I come across a sprout of crab grass and start to pull on it. It won't budge. I often wonder how deep these roots go. From what I have found, the roots are rather shallow. I really don't believe this. I, frankly, believe the roots go straight to the other side of the world. There is probably some poor farmer pulling on the same crab grass weed that I am and we are having a tug of war.

Some scientists predict that roaches will survive a nuclear holocaust. I think we should add crab grass to this list too.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Message for My Readers

I've been told that my blog is revealing too much information about my family and events that I thought would be okay to share. Since this is creating problems within my family, I will no longer blog like I have before. I'll still post things out here, but not in the depth I have in the past.

I always review my content with family members before I post, but apparently, this isn't enough. Therefore, until I can find something to talk about that won't offend anyone, I won't be posting for awhile.

I hope you have enjoyed my previous blogs - my goal has always been to inform and entertain. I'm very proud of my family - that's why I talk about them. My wish has been to have my readers enjoy my family as much as I do.

Thank you.
Wrapping Up Summer 2010

Wow! This summer has zipped by faster than any I can remember. Maybe because my kids didn't have time to be bored. Maybe because I was so busy I didn't have time to notice any boredom. Whatever. Tomorrow marks the first day of school for Ritenour students and I'm relieved. Now the days will have more structure and less "fly by the seat of my pants" feel to them.

Jack didn't do much this summer. He is now officially accepted at Florissant Valley Community College and will finally begin his degree program in computer engineering. He's taking baby steps to this, but it beats sitting in his room all the time playing video games.

Sami, on the other hand, kept me so busy that I barely had time to see my husband and son. She finished summer school with passing grades and went directly into Color Guard practice. We just found out that Ritenour band and color guard have been invited to march in next year's Memorial Day parade in Washington DC. So now the intense fund raising efforts begin. Sami needs $650 to be able to go and we don't have the money. They have already had two car washes and haven't raised a tremendous amount. They will be having pizza sales later and that promises to be a big draw. In the meantime, Sami is looking for odd jobs to bring in money. She has spent the summer walking a dog for an elderly lady and also helping clean her house.

Girl Scout Gold Award Update

It looks like Sami will be painting a mural on the wall of a building located in downtown Overland to be a scenic backdrop for the newly built Erickson Plaza. Ritenour art students are supposed to help with this project, but Sami needs to submit drawings to the art teacher in charge. She also has to present these ideas to the mayor and Overland Business Association. Pretty intimidating, but I know she can do it. Another girl in her troop will be taking an adjacent wall for her Gold Award project as well. Hopefully, the girls will be in sync with their drawings. The whole project is pretty daunting.

Will post updates as the project comes along.

Summer 2010 - Part 2

Sami made a new friend this summer. Well, actually, they have known each other since Sami started dating Trent. The girl is one of Trent's sisters. Tonya came to St. Louis to visit with her dad and I took the girls out to the Butterfly House and the Magic House. They both had a ball. Any awkward feelings between them (Sami and Trent are no longer dating) vanished when they went into the Magic House. I never saw two girls have more fun. Sami had a few "Lucy" moments (Lucy Ricardo of "I Love Lucy") like crashing into a mirrored wall in a funhouse maze and pressing her face into a peg board only to have her upper torso also press through to the other side.

On the way to the Magic House, I took the girls to Kirkwood Farmer's Market to look at the fresh boys, um, produce. Yea, produce, not boys. Produce.

I'm not sure how long this friendship will last since Tonya lives with her mom in Oregon, but they seem to get along great and Tonya is such a terrific girl. Only time will tell if this friendship is meant to be.

Wave goodbye to Summer 2010 and say hello to a new school year. Hope Sami and Jack make it a good one.