Thursday, August 20, 2009

Two Pieces of News This Week

First, I think I will address the subject that made the headlines just a few days ago. Michele Obama was seen in the Grand Canyon (in Arizona - I tell this for a reason) in, gasp, SHORTS! Is it really such a slow news day that multiple media outlets need to devote space and time to this subject? Really? First of all, anyone who has been to the Grand Canyon IN ARIZONA (I have so I know exactly what I'm talking about) knows that it is HOT. It would be really bizarre for the First Lady to go hiking in the Grand Canyon in a business suit and stylish 3-inch pumps. The woman was going hiking, for crying out loud people! Furthermore, the Grand Canyon is not paved. It is rocky terrain - hence that's why it's called a canyon. IN ARIZONA!

In addition to my geographical tirade, I wish to remind certain Puritanical prudes that Mrs. Obama has pretty nice looking legs. My legs used to look that good, but the varicose and spider veins have taken over and, well, let's say Burmuda shorts and skimmers are my style now. Along with the shapely legs comes another reminder - we no longer live in Victorian-era USA. This is the 21st century, people, and a woman's exposed legs are hardly shocking any more. Please get over it. By the way, whose legs would you rather see hiking the Grand Canyon, Mrs. Obama's or John McCain's? Think about it.

The second article is about obsolete technology. I so love this subject. I love blowing my kids' minds with recollections of the days before remote controlled television, microwaves, and cell phones. The author talks about all the technology and I actually remember and that's really scary. We still have a VCR, but it's a VCR/DVD combo. We still have VHS tapes but they are getting brittle with age and we are slowly replacing them with DVDs. Trouble is, the Blue Ray thingy is coming out and making the DVD obsolete. We can't win!

Yes, I was reminded of the C prompt - amazing how I forgot it at all. I guess it was such a pain that I didn't really miss it.

The paragraph on TV reception brought a bit of an argument from me. I don't like the digital signals. Not because I'm against the technology, but we can't get a good signal. We never had this problem with classic analog broadcast. Now whenever there's a storm in the area, you can forget watching anything (even the severe weather warnings) on the TV. The way the system is set up now, the only way I'll know if a tornado is in the area is when my roof flies off my house. Not a good feeling.

My 87-year-old mother nearly keeled over in a heart attack when I told her I no longer remember how to operate a typewriter. Now, keep in mind, I learned how to type on a manual typewriter when Jimmy Carter was in the White House. Selectric typewriters were quickly becoming the latest technology and when I graduated from Kirkwood High School in 1980, memory writers were becoming the latest and greatest. Now that my PC does everything for me, a typewriter gathers dust on the shelf. Actually, I don't even own one, but my mother did until she gave it away to her 88-year-old sister. I think typewriters won't completely go away just yet. Some forms need to be filled in by type, although this is quickly being replaced with Adobe's features that allow the user to fill in the blanks and print the form.

Even as you read this, something technological is being advanced or killed off. Such is the evolution of our modern world.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Politics, Opinions, and Freedom of Expression

Throughout the last Presidential election and since the election, I have received numerous e-mails from well-meaning friends and family members about how our country is headed straight for a socialist agenda, the new health care bill will enforce euthanasia on our senior citizens, and all sorts of other "end of the world as we know it" predictions. I can't count how many e-mails have pointed the invisible finger of blame on those who voted for our current president and how the next "Fourth Reich" and another holocaust will happen because of those voters' ignorance.

First of all, quit with the "sky is falling" nonsense. It would not matter who won the White House because the losing side will kick up a stink about how bad this country is getting and it's all the fault of the current administration. Enough already.

Second, I'm not convinced we are headed for a socialist government. We still have the right to vote and if you don't like who is in office now, vote that person out at the next election. Just keep in mind, you are limited to who is running for office. Your son's algebra teacher may be a really terrific person, but if he/she is not running for political office, a vote for that person won't mean a hill of beans. If you don't like the selection, get in there yourself and run for office. You think you got what it takes, then let's see it. It's a free country and anyone can become President if he/she wants it bad enough.

A lot of flak has been made about free handouts to those who don't seemingly deserve it. I agree that the illegal immigrant situation is a sticky one and since my knowledge of it is rather limited, I will keep any opinions on this to myself. However, I caution those who are so tough on those immigrants - most of us came from someplace else. My ancestors came from England, Ireland, Prussia, and Germany. We settled in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Ohio, Illinois and Missouri. My family has been here since the early 1800's and it's only recently that my German side decided to keep the English and get rid of the German. As far as the handouts go, I challenge any one of these Americans to travel to another country with only the clothes on their backs, little money and education, and try to start a new life. Without a little help, it would be impossible. But go ahead, give it a try and let me know how well you do.

I agree that we have a much more divided country as far as monetary wealth. Seems the middle class is getting squeezed out by the wealthy. I have encountered this so much in my life that I often feel hopeless and wonder why I even bother. The things that used to be for the "every man" are no longer available. A baseball game used to be the family event of the summer - now it's the rich man's diversion. Not fair at all. Amusement parks and carnivals used to also be welcoming to everyone, now they are so overpriced that many cannot attend. Do I think the current administration can fix this? No. I believe that in order for change to happen, we must all accept the failings of our society and vow to make a change for the better. Corporate bigwigs should not be rewarded for failures and people in power should go without a few more perks. Those who have borne hardships should not have their efforts slapped in their faces by those who can just because they can. Not fair. Socialism is not the answer - we have all seen that. But a collective conscience of responsibility to our society, country, and world should be present and encouraged. Truthfully, this scenario of social responsibility really never has existed. Just look in your history books.

Many Americans have fought and died for our freedoms and this will remain the case for our country. Yes, the nay-sayers have the same freedom of expression as I do and thank God for that! However, please stop harassing me because you don't like the way I or someone else voted. The election is over - deal with it and move on with your life.

I don't know if the billions doled out in stimulus packages is going to work and I don't know if socialized medicine will work. All I do know is that things aren't working now, including me. Something must give. If you don't like the current proposals, you have the freedom to change them. I know I have that freedom and I'm not afraid to use it.